Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 45 Πειραιάς 18540

Personnel training

As part of the education-training programme for the STROUMBOULIS personnel for 2017-2018, a series of training sessions took place in the Company meeting room, by experienced – specialised Tutors, on the following subjects:

  • The Company & its Environment – Working for STROUMBOULIS
  • Sales & Customer service
  • Best Phone Service & Customer Satisfaction
  • Time Management
  • Quartz & Silica – our Flag Products
  • Logistics – Warehouse Management

Training at STROUMBOULIS, plays a strategic role in the continuous adaptation & development of the Company to the new updated trends, as well as gaining and improving personnel work skills, with the aim of a harmonious – productive collaboration between them, and the -overall- higher efficiency for the company.